Impact Offering

Impact Offering enables us to get behind Kingdom initiatives locally and globally. We’re able to invest into both new and existing churches, support a number of outreach projects and partner with ministries and organisations that are reaching the poor, oppressed, vulnerable and sick.
This is our annual commitment to go over and above our regular giving.
Pledge today
Over the coming weeks, allow God to guide you as you prayerfully consider your contribution in what to give. If you are married or have a family, why not do this together and come into agreement on how much to pledge.
Once you have agreed in your heart how much you would like to pledge, plan how you can fulfil it over the next 12 months.
Finally, submit your pledge! We’ll receive our Impact Offering together, as a church family, on Sunday 27th October during our church services.
Pledge now
Handcrafted with love by Diego Favaretto